Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Okay, so here are some pictures of my studio and what I'm currently working on.  There's two paintings and some miscellanaeus drawings and what not. Warning: my camera sucks, so don't make any harsh judgements based on these photos. For those, come visit my studio. Oh, my studio is on the third floor, 11-12.

So this painting I'm almost finished with, still want to add something. The face is Michael J. Anderson from Twin Peaks and Carnivale.  I'm really happy with how the face is coming out, it's like he has something important and knowledgable to say and you better listen up. I didn't realize this but the head looks like it's on a hill, something I did realize thanks to Teresa. I was thinking about incorporating text, but I haven't figured out how to do it.  Although I think I might try doing some more to the robe/hill to try and add text, hey maybe headstones. I could type out the text but I'd rather show you where it's from ( hint: it has to do with one of the shows mentioned above. the best part about the video is the spanish subtitles!:)

My studio setup. 

I don't know what I'm doing with the painting on the left. I like the face, and of course the boobs are awesome, but I'm trying to fire out what else I want to do with it. She's kind of dead center so I kind of backed myself into a corner as to what I can do with the rest of the painting.

Another view of my studio, hopefully it won't look so barren and sad soon.

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