This is an interview I did with fellow artist Irene Geller. Check out her blog at Irene Geller Art . Below is the transcript and some images. Enjoy!
Irene Geller: Hiii, my name is Bob! That’s not normal.
Me: That’s not normal?
Irene Geller: Tha’ts- that’s normal.
Me: They way I’m speaking now is normal, or the way you’re speaking before is normal?
Irene Geller: Oh, the way you’re speaking now is normal.
Me: Okay!
Irene Geller: So you’re a painter, right?
Me: Yes.
Irene Geller: Well, so- what medium do you paint in the most?
Me: Oil. I hate acrylic. I absolutely despise it, because my first year of painting at community college, we used acrylic, and I hated it. So that hate has come over to Mason Gross, and I’m glad I still hate it, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do these lovely paintings in oil.
Irene Geller: Oh, well I feel awkward now because this [points to painting behind her] is in acrylic.
Me: Oh no, it’s okay, it’s just a personal preference.
Irene Gellar: Oh okay.
Irene Gellar: For me, I work in oil too, primarily, and I actually only started using it when I came here as well. Due to lack of… something, possibly having a place I can actually work with it.
Me: When did you first realize that you wanted to be an artist? When was the first time you said, ‘I wanna do this.’
Me: There’s the cliché answer (that’s true), and there’s the more relevant answer- definitely as a kid I wanted to be an artist- so, amongst other strange things like “spiritual leader” [shrugs.] But it was maybe sophomore year, it was an artist lecture here, I don’t even remember the artist’s name, but I was sitting there and everything that he was talking about and all the images he was showing, and I was like, ‘Yeah- It’s pretty boss to be an artist. I am definitely going to do that.”
Irene Geller: What kind of concerns or issues or images move you to produce your work? What makes you want to make a painting?
Me: When I see something weird, like something that kind of creeps me out, I wanna put that in oil. Or even just sketching it so I get the idea down.
Irene Gellar: Is that the same thing that happened with this painting? [points to it]
Me: Yeah, this was actually inspired by Norman Rockwell’s “Farmer and the Bird.” It’s a nice painting, but it was kinda, not colorful. I mean it’s nicely painted, nicely rendered—
Irene Geller: — it’s Norman Rockwell.
Norman Rockwell's Farmer and The Bird from The Saturday Evening Post. I really love the painting but like I said in the interview the colors are a little blah!
Me: Yeah. But I was like, I wanna make it- more colorful!
Irene Geller: Yeah you definitely accomplished more colorful. It’s very… pop-y.
My version of Norman Rockwell's painting.
Me: How would you describe your work in one sentence?
Irene Geller: In one sentence?
Me: Well not one sentence, but just a general idea.
Irene Geller: Let me try one sentence. That’d be funny. Let me think… sits here for three hours.
Irene Geller: My paintings are very confused.
Irene Geller: How would you describe your work in one sentence?
Me: [thinking]
Irene Geller: See, it’s not that easy.
Me: It isn’t. I’d say, “Color,” because.. with my drawings, I’m concerned with the form and value, and in my paintings I’m all about the color. I probably could paint a normal portrait, with normal colors, but I’m like, “That’s boring… I want her skin to be bright blue.”
Irene Geller: So do you think Matisse or Picasso- they’ve been influences, or no?
Me: Uh, I think Matisse- but I have trouble remembering, you’ll have to show me a painting.
Irene Gellar: Yeah, he tends to be very colorful and has these almost arbitrary color choices, like a green stripe down the nose, or other things.
Irene Geller: Why do you go towards the colors that you use? Like in this one- [points to painting] – what are you thinking about?
Me: I think like what colors… wanna HURT you the most. [looks at his work] So the green against the red and the orange against the blue and the yellow- I’m just thinking of complementary color, I’m trying to push that.
Irene Geller: Is there maybe a psychological level to the color choices that you’re making? Like you said you want them to “hurt” you—
Me: — I kind of want you to look at them and- Nyehh [cringes and turns head away]. But then look at it again like- [makes surprised face and gasps.]
Me: What about grad school, or do you want to start working [after you graduate]?
Irene Geller: Just job-wise, I know that I want to keep teaching- like I have a job already teaching, so I’m going to stay there. [pumps fist and mouths “yeah b---ch”] No cursing… So I want to do that. I don’t think I’ll go to grad school immediately, just based on different people that I’ve talked to. I decided it makes much more sense to force myself to work and get out there on my own… So I’ll just be finding the most practical, livable solution for me to do that, and that does not include going to New York like most people kind of think—like, “I’m gonna go there now and be an artist!”
Me: Yeah, it’s the same with me too. Like I’m kind of afraid of New York… I’m like Macaulay Culkin when he first gets there like—[gasps, makes scared face] “I’m in New York??”
Irene Geller: [attempts Culkin’s shocked face on cover of Home Alone]
Irene Geller: Have you ever seen a painting (it could be in a New York gallery) that as soon as you saw it, you hated it? Like very very visceral HATE?
Me: I wouldn’t say HATE—
Irene Geller: –Hate’s a strong word?
Me: Yeah, hate’s a strong word, it’s more like- What? What, why? What are they doing? Like I have no idea what this person is trying to do.
Irene Geller: What was it, do you have a specific memory?
Me: Not a specific painting- oh no, no, wait, I do—
Irene Geller: Okay, and describe it please.
Me: A canvas… painted entirely black!
Irene Geller: … is that Ad Reinhardt?
Me: I’m not sure, but it was just- I know I may be ignorant or like, not up to speed with art in my mind but—okay. Black and white [wall.]
Irene Geller: Yes. Good contrast, though.
Me: What are your favorite artists? Like which ones do you look to for inspiration?
Irene Geller: Um, there’s a couple of them, I could give you a more generic type that I like. I have one painter in my mind, Angela Dufresne—
Irene Geller: –recently I was reading about this British artist, Greyson Perry who is a “man—” [adopts silly accent] –but he dresses in cute dresses! And he- y’know, he has really like adorable fashion. And he walks around and he goes to shows and parties that way, so— [speaks normally] there’s no reason for me using this accent.
Me: You should use it, it adds something.
Irene Geller: [adopts accent] For the whole interview?? I can do that! Um, so, he wears these dresses and I think I just like artists that kind of, are surprising in a way and they do these unusual things that maybe society tells us that we’re not allowed to do, and they usually push things—[regular voice] usually gender and sexuality issues are what attract me, or things that are strange within that- like you said, something strange that grabs your attention.
Irene Geller: Like for this [points to painting behind]- this is in a music video for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, she’s a Japanese artist, the video/song is called “Candy Candy,” and she’s dressed like that with this cute pink hair and outfit, but then in the video there is –clearly a guy- he’s, k’know, three feet taller than her, and super bulked up, and he’s dressed the same way, only he wears a mask [for an anime face.] And while she’s doing all these cute moves, he’s walking around like— [does parody of uber-masculine, ape-like walk] dressed in the same cute outfit. And it’s very bizarre, like you watch it and it throws everything else off about that video. So artists that push boundaries in gender and fashion and societal norms, that type of thing.
Me: Okay, so this is weird, but—
Irene Gellar: Weird is fantastic—
Me: I wanna know, if you could buy one art supply, no matter what the cost was, like it could be $1,000 a liter, money was no object, what would it be?
Irene Gellar: I would buy tons and tons and tons and tons, and tons, of rolls of printmaking paper. BFK Reeves, white… I forget what the count is but it’s the best paper ever. As you can kind of tell I like painting on flatter surfaces, not canvas as much, I have an allergic reaction to canvas when I have to deal with it.
Irene Geller: What about for you, what would you buy?
Me: LIQUIN. I love LIQUIN. Cause when I first started painting in oil it was like watercolor, I couldn’t manage to get the paint on really thick. But Liquin, the way it flows… once you mix the oil, it’s nice, it’s so nice, I love it. I wish they had more sales for it at Utrecht.
Irene Geller: Do you have an ideal kind of art work? Like the opposite of the question if you saw something you really didn’t like, maybe you’ve seen a work that you thought, “This is perfect, this does everything I ever wanted to do?”
Me: Well, yes and no. I like David Kassan, he paints mainly representational oil portraits. His portraits are real like photographs, but the backgrounds- they just doesn’t make sense, you don’t know where they are. It’s all these marks- it’s weird to me. The person is just in an abstract environment…
An example of David Kassan's work. The amountr of detail that he puts into his portraits is amazing. You can chack out various videos online that show him at work, true they're sped up, but it still shows you how he does it.
Irene Geller: Does it look like there’s a painting behind them, or is it a weird unknowable texture?
Me: Yes, a weird unknowable texture. They’re perfectly painted portraits against that, it’s really weird to me, and I love that.
Irene Geller: Do you know George Condo?
Me: No. Does he live in a condo?
Irene Geller: Ha ha ha… yes he does.
A picture of the artist George Condo.
Irene Geller: Is there something in your paintings that you really are trying to go towards? Like an idea?
Me: I would really like the values and the forms- I want them realistic, but then have the colors be so outrageous that you’d be like, “Okay, if I went to some alternate universe, that might be realistic, but here, nooo.”
Irene Geller: But is there maybe a reason behind doing that, like you said it’s an alternate reality, that’s kind of interesting—
Me: I’m into that kind of thing, alternate realities and all of that.
Irene Geller: Do you play video games, sir?
MS: Yeah… it’s interesting to me, like the idea of things being different- that not all the possibilities are necessarily right here, that things exist that we never dreamed were possible.
IG: Well that’s sort of like science fiction. So maybe you’re painting science fiction paintings.
Me: Yeah yeah, a little bit, I wanna push that—
Irene Geller: [looks at his work] Like this is the last farmer… on Mars… and he’s like, “I’m gonna kill myself now…”
Me: What do you like to read, and does it inform your painting?
Irene Geller: Sort of, I guess in the sense of “disjointedness,” like in [points back] this work, people’s first reaction is like, “Oh, what a cute girl,” then they look at it longer and “There’s something not quite right here…”
Irene Geller: One book, “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” by [Gabriel] Garcia Marquez, and it’s the story of this family somewhere isolated in South America, through a hundred years it follows their family, but it’s written like a constant run-on sentence and weird things will happen out of nowhere- one daughter walks out[side] into the courtyard and she looks up in the sun and, “God decided to take her [up to heaven], and she disappears and never reappears for the rest of the novel. So, “What actually happened just now?” It’s called magical realism in reviews of the book; things happen in the book and everyone inside just accepts it as completely and utterly normal, as you’re sitting there wondering, “But what ACTUALLY happened?” You’re sort of forced to accept that reality.
Irene Geller: Another one with the run-on sort of style is “Bright Shiny Morning” by James Frey, who’s infamous for other reasons but that doesn’t matter- or it does. It follows people going into California, like a drunk hobo who lost all of his family, or people escaping from their abusive families in the Mid West, or super rich actors, or a Mexican maid… and it’s this run-on style that jumbles everything together, like this big crazy pile of meanings.
Me: What do you think are some of your strengths and weaknesses?
IG: Well properties like color and form—I wouldn’t say color is completely a weakness, but I can think about it more—I usually go from my gut, or I have an idea off the top of my head when I begin something and I go with that. But some formal things like composition and considering space a little more- usually I go with what my intuition tells me. I know pretty well conceptually what I’m interested in, but I need to work on formal things like that.
Irene Geller: What about for you, same question [strengths, weaknesses]?
Me: I think expanding my colors is something I try to do- like I mainly stick to yellows or oranges, greens, blues, reds, I don’t try to mix my colors- I mean, I try, but most of these colors are pretty much straight from the tube. I just try to get it down quickly, just mixing the color is too—
Irene Geller: Well that could be something—like for me I had issues painting with canvases, one issue I can see in your painting [points to it] is that your edge is not painted in, and that’s what messed me up, like “Do I want to paint it? Yeah, but I hate—but do– ?” So it was this huge conflict so I decided to paint on something that doesn’t have an edge- or doesn’t have too much of an edge to deal with.
Irene Geller: So maybe the fact that you don’t want to mix these colors could be, a strength in some way? Like you could twist it and make it really useful. Y’know, look at George Condo, he mixes his color, but sometimes they seem like they could also be out of the tube, and sometimes they’re very flat, like some areas in your painting…
Irene Geller: Have you had any critical, eye-opening experiences since you’ve been here?
Me: I think, the professor I had last year, Richard Baker, he- I wasn’t really sure when I first started painting were really different and I think bad, I was trying to do naturalistic colors [makes”ehh” face]. Then I started doing these and Richard said I should keep going with it, keep pushing the color, keep pushing what you’re doing—
[room lights turn off]
Irene Geller: Uh oh.
Irene Geller: Is there a time period or movement or some way of working in art history that you identify with? Or maybe, you kind of do but you don’t completely like it? Or—[looks at intruder] Don’t walk into the camera, dear…
Alexis Cherry/Intruder: Oh.. yeah!
Irene Geller: [gasp] It’s a camera, hiii!
Alexis Cherry/Intruder: Sorry…
Irene Geller: I’ll see you later. So is there [an artistic] time period that you identify or struggle with?
Me: I guess I like the Renaissance because that’s when they first started trying to study [the body,] started trying to paint everything “right,” like anatomy, facial features. Da Vinci just started making notebooks and notebooks of anatomical drawings, he really looked at everything… he looked at… fetuses, pregnant women—
Irene Geller: –and he cut up people…
Me: –He cut up people, just to find out how things work—
Irene Geller: Well I have to ask you, do you want to cut people up? No?—
Me: No… I mean,
Irene Geller: –I’m joking… but thank you for taking that question seriously!
Me: It might be interesting just to see how things actually look that way and see how they work, but… [makes grossed-out face] … If I really really wanted to, I could just look it up [in a book]…
Irene Geller: Yeah, things are nice and clean in this era… Or century or whatnot…
Me: I mean, but I think that the idea of just trying to look for new things—or look at things differently, or try to go deeper, that’s something that I want to try to do.
Irene Geller: So that’s something that you do want to pursue in your own work, right?
Me: Yeah.
Irene Geller: Do you have any idea of how you can begin going about that?
Me: As of now… no, but I’d like to try.
Me: I was reading a book and one person asked another, “Do you believe in art for art’s sake?”
Irene Geller: I vaguely remember who said that… I don’t remember his name right now, but maybe the guy who drew…a mother… it’s a very blue painting but anyway, Art for Art’s Sake… kind of yes?—
Me: I mean, just doing art and not worrying about if you’re gonna get paid [for it] or if it’ll support you—
Irene Geller: –oh, in that way. There’s a lot of ways you can interpret that sentence. Just doing it for the heck—yeah, because I plan to have my own job that will actually support me more or less, and I’ll find other money-making ways that will keep me eating food and living under a roof… I wanna have my art on the side, just for the sake of actually doing it.
Irene Geller: A friend of mine’s boyfriend… she knows who I’m talking about– has been recently saying, “There’s no real reason to have art anymore,” it’s kind of a waste of time, and money and effort, and we should be working towards helping other people out… But I think art is a very important thing about being human—
Me: Yeah—
Irene Geller: Do you have something to add to it?
Me: I think art—if you see something that, if it’s even something that just brightens up your day, that’s’s something you’ve done for someone, that’s good—
Irene Geller: Yeah, it’s like someone identifying with the painting that you’re doing, so [silly voice] they feel less lonely in the world…
Me: [laughs] Yeah.
Irene Geller: Do you have any weird studio habits? That could mean anything…
Me: Usually when I work in my sketchbook, I have a habit of not finishing something—like I’ll do half a face and usually won’t go back to it.
Irene Geller: [puts hand over left side of face] So you have this much of a face left?
Me: Exactly, exactly. I might go back and finish it, but not usually.
Irene Geller: What if you did a painting of someone’s half-face?
Me: I’ve thought of that, just doing half a face and refusing to finish it…
Irene Geller: It’s like Da Vinci decided, “I’m gonna make this nice and decent but… oh, I don’t wanna finish the rest of it,” and just left it kind of hanging there… Well that’s cool. Do you have a silly question you wanna ask me?
Me: Um… are you in any way related to Sarah Michelle Gellar?
Irene Geller: ………………… [mimics shooting self in head]
Irene Geller: Imagine Mason Gross is all yours for one day, right—
Me: [looks with awe and wonder at the studio around us]
Irene Geller: –nobody’s here, you can do whatever you want with it, like you can transform it or something… what would you do?
Me: What would I DO? Oh my god, what WOULDN’T I do? I—I’d put in a little food area [muffled]..
Irene Geller: A food what?
Me: A food area—
Irene Geller: Oh okay.
Me: I mean, just where it has food so you don’t have to walk—
Irene Geller: Like actual legitimate food? Not corn syrup and like, whatever—
Me: Just like… deli sandwiches, or something, I dunno…
Irene Geller: [laughing]
Me: — Have it where everyone can have their own studio space if they wanted, or they can share it with people, that’s fine too…
Irene Geller: We could turn EVERYTHING into a studio—
Me: — have it so you can have more stuff that’s actually here, so you don’t have to go to Utrecht, they provide—oh my god, they provide CANVASES for you, or stretcher bars, or—
Irene Geller: Or paper!!
Me: Or paper for you! So you don’t have to go out and get everything. So I’m going to ask you the same thing: What would you change?
Irene Geller: I would… make this… a very colorful and glittertastic… kind of playground—[points to offscreen dancer] Yes, yes she’s got the idea! She’s going—[waves arms fancifully] Alexis Cherry.
Me: [whispers] Alexis Cherry.
Irene Geller: Ooo. I would basically make everything much more colorful because I’m tired of this white/black/grey checkered thing… It needs to be like neon yellow, it needs to be like your painting and my painting barfed on everything and made it much better—and there needs to be like, a slide—like instead of the balcony over there above the third floor, there needs to be a slide leading down to it… I’m totally copying this off of some artist’s exhibition… just, slides, everywhere. And magical Willy Wonka elevators.
Me: That would be more fun because I hate taking the stairs, I’d rather slide down…
Irene Geller: There you go. So, I’ll work on the color part, you work on having the food and supplies. [fist pumps]
Me: [fist pumps]
Irene Geller: Okay, thank you very much—[shakes hands]
Me: [shakes hands] We can get it done!
Irene Geller: Yes! …Yes we can! ….That was not a political endorsement.
Me: Yeah, no, sorry…
Irene Geller: We’ll make someone cryyy…
Me: We can just cut it off there.
Irene Geller: Okay, yeah!
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