I've started to work on the big painting that I posted a picture of last time. I'm trying to have areas that look different from each other; in both the way they are painted and the color. Then, I want to remove the tape and continue taping and painting sections until I'm satisfied. I imagine it will take two more iterations. I'm hoping when I remove the tape, what's underneath will unify the image, and give a sense of how many layers there are in the paiunting and give a sense of where it started from. By the way, the BFA reception was fantastic, lots of people there. I hope that we'll be able to carry what we learned from setting up this show and bring it into our Thesis shows. I did some little works that were sold at the silent auction ( well, only Stephen King, Ellen Ripley and Clint Eastwood sold), the photos are below. In a last bit of news, I think I hopefully figured out what I might be doing for my thesis. I'm interested in depicting alternate dimensions or realities. I want them to be cohesive, so throughout the works there will be subtle and not so subtle nods to popular culture that I hope people will be able to see. Long days and pleasant nights ( Stephen King reference, couldn't help myself).
The colors are a jump from what I usually do, I am however worried that it will look too muddy. |
new painting looks super exciting, as is the multiple dimensions idea (Stephen King is good at presenting that) Are you thinking it will take place in larger space/places, or do you want to stick to the portrait idea? Just curious.
I think for this work I just want to stick with the portrait, and try to show different things inside each space. Marc said that it would be cool to have other things inside the spaces, besides just the face, just to abstract the portrait. I might try that, but I want to finish the first layer and peel the tap to see what I want to do next. Yeah, Stephen King is pretty good at the whole alternate dimension thing and finding ways to tie things back to each other. Maybe I'll find a way to use this painting in the thesis show, depending on how it works with everything else.