I decided to add text to the bottom ( bad photo, I apologize), the text is from the opening sequence of the tv series Carnivale. It seems to me that he's talking to you, not giving you a warning neccasrily, but maybe a history lesson.
I love the face, you can tell it is a face without to much rendering, it's slightly blurred, like it's not completely there or completely still.
This one was just an exercise, I'm not really sure what I;m doing with it just yet.
For this one I wanted to try and use some realistic skin color, mainly just to see if I could. This photo sucks but Ilike how the color of the skin brings the green out in her eye. The reference I'm using the woman in it has suffered from eitheir a stroke or some kind of facial paralysis. I want to extend the blue lines more into her left side, make it look like it's spreading or has spread.
Again, little tired of the figure, so I decided to paint a red mountain with a green sky, with a red and blue moon, oh and a guy being impaled by a tree in the head, then it spreading to his hand and going up the mountain. Weird, huh?
Next time I'll talk a little about the current exhibition at the Mason Gross galleries, what tickled my fancy and what left me wanting to claw my eyes out.
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